31st Mar, 2014
These days it seems that just about every website designer, every website hosting provider and certainly every massive company failing in the market they have been in since the internet has taken off are now becoming “SEO Professionals” including sales reps that have been selling advertising space in print media for the last 100 years.
Most business owners who have not had much experience with owning a website or obtaining a good return on investment from their website would not know that because of such competition increases they are actually shooting themselves in the foot along with the true professionals in the industry.
A common mistake and belief that is out there in the marketplace is that company “x” must be good because they have been around for 100 odd years. Their sales reps must be just as good as they have been trained by such a well established, successful organisation.
Now for company “x” that is as good as it gets. They can certainly apply their skills of persuation and it does work on those who do not understand what is happening to the future of their business online.
The true professionals though can see what is happening before the customer even signs the dotted line. All of a sudden the SEO professional has to prove his existance and why he is better than the much larger and more successful company “x”. For those of you who do not know what is happening here it is as clear as day:
You are putting the success of your online business in to a company who has spent the last 100 years in a business that would one day die unless they changed direction. It is the very nature of any business however this particular company was based on selling books.
The very same company “x” will have told you that they are experts in the areas of “sponsored search” (aka Google Adwords). Further to that they will tell you that they have a lot of success within the area of “sponsored search”. Sure they may have had a little bit of success from the odd campaign but that is as about as truthful as the system really is.
The fact is that there are approximately 5,000-6,000 Google Adwords Professionals world wide! Not to mention that world wide makes the true amount of professionals in Australia a really small number and it would be safe to presume much smaller than a 25 percent.
While this may seem like a bit of a rant; after reading all of this information about a large company “x” all we suggest (since we dont have adwords professionals ourselves) is consider the following before believing your allocated sales rep with no industry experience:
- What is the calibre of an adwords campaign you are going to have when you are dealing purely with a sales rep.
- How focused is the campaign going to be if this large company is doing it as they do have staffing and higher expenses
- How accurate are the results and the reports they are giving? Have you got your own independant tools to prove it is fact or fiction?
- How valuable is the advice you are going to receive from a sales rep who has never built a website let lone promoted on through adwords or even organic search.
Do yourself a favour, keep the sales rep and company “x” honest if you do go ahead with them and get a third party to also report on the progress. There are plenty of tools out there that will help you do this.