14th Apr, 2014
Having a website today for almost all businesses is a must as we have mentioned many times and business owners know all so well. The problem is that very few business owners actually understand how much their website is actually worth. This is mainly due to the fact that they do not know how much potential their website has and because they often have not experienced a good consistent flow of sales through it.
Over the past few weeks we have been extremely busy designing and building websites for businesses who, for the most part, have all had a website before. While this doesn’t sound too much out of the norm, most of them are doing it because their existing website is almost 5-6 years old!
One question we ask when going through the inital contact phase is “how old is your website and what has driven you to decide to rebuild it?”. We do get a mixed bag of responses but most of the time it is one of the following responses:
“Its quite old… a few years I guess… My website designer has gone missing and I wanted to get my site updated” (more popular than you would want to believe)
“The website has been running for quite sometime but now we are finding more and more people are visiting it and we really need it to look better than it does now… It is about 3-4 years old I think…”
“We are wanting to have something that is a little more in touch with what we are doing these days as the business has changed focus and direction… we got the site built a long time ago, couldn’t say what year it was though”
“We have made bit of money out of our website and we need to invest in it again to keep it going”
and finally…. one we do not hear all that often but has popped up a couple times lately
“It is a big part of our business future and we really need to get our site looking good so people will buy from it.”
All of these answers while they seem like random excuses they are actually really good indicators as to how much people do value their websites. The sad facts is that a lot of these businesses only promote their website on adverts they put in the paper or on their business cards etc and further to that they see them as a “must have” but as an after thought.
A better way to value your website is to see how many sales you can generate as a result of people going to it. Promote it in the online platforms like Social Media and the Search Engines. Build as much hype about your website as possible and make sure you have a good call to action.
Once you have started to see your website generate more sales then you will finally get to realise as to how much it could actually be worth to you and your business as well as your potential customers. The great thing about a well marketed website is that your reach will go from being just your local market (50-100kms radius) to hopefully a national level fairly quickly as long as the market demand is there and it is done quite agressively.
If you feel that your website has let you down in the past give us a call we can go through the website and see where, how and why it could have let you down.