Suncoast Web Solutions
Suncoast Web Solutions

Email Marketing – The Do’s and Dont’s

More than likely you receive spam in your inbox on a daily basis. Or, perhaps you have a spam blocker that catches the majority of junk email before it makes it to your inbox. Commercial email that you do not request is considered spam, its time consuming and the last thing people want to see in their inbox every day.

There are lots of unscrupulous Internet marketers out there who do not think through their actions very well and make the big mistake of spamming thousands of email addresses on a regular basis hoping to make a few sales. There is no longevity in doing this and short term gain is about all that they can expect, being that there are risks involved as it is illegal. You don’t want to do something to harm your service or product so take the time required to develop a list of opt in email addresses so you only send emails to those who have given you permission to do so.

There are many ways to collect email addresses for your email marketing contact list. It might take a little bit of time, but that doesn’t mean you can’t start small. Since it is so fast and cost effective to send an email you can easily send an email to as few as 10 people on your contact list and then as it grows you will be able to reach more people. This is important because you want people to perceive your product or service in a good light, not in the light of a spammer.

Remember, it might be tempting to buy a list of email addresses with millions of names to get a quick start. However, by doing this you will likely receive hundreds or thousands of complaints and very possibly fines, too. That’s the last thing you want to do so take the time and effort to learn how to develop a contact list via opt-in methods. This will be better for your business over the long run.

Getting permission to send emails to people is quite easy once you learn how to do so. There are many methods you can use to help people choose to give you their email address. For example, you can offer something for free, host a contest, or simply provide a sign up box on your website. The most important thing is not to bombard with people with crap newsletters that are of no interest to the people you are sending emails to. Put a bit of effort into writing your email marketing campaigns. Keep your newsletters relevant and interesting. If you continually send out non relevant newsletters to email list it won’t be long before you find all your potential customers have opted out.

The downside to email marketing is disciplining yourself to take the time preparing and writing your email marketing newsletter. Unfortunately there is no “Magic Button”

On the upside is that if you do things right email marketing using the right software can be very rewarding and profitable.

Success online starts with the right advise!



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